Thursday, November 11, 2021

Judge Mindy Walker Complaint Port Townend, Jefferson County Washington. Judge Walker Ruled that Michael Allmain was GUILTY and she stated in his Bench Trial Verdict that SHE had ZERO Evidence that Michael Allmain was Indigent. Yet YOU, the TaxPayers of Jefferson County PAID for Defendant Allmain's Attorney, as this same Judge RULED, as a matter of law, on the record, that Michael Allmain was INDIGENT.

  Judge Mindy Walker Judicial Complaint, Bar Complaint, Ethics Complaint Filed by Reverend Crystal Cox Of Universal Church of Light, Port Townsend, Washington. 

Complaint Against:   Judge Mindy Walker
                                    District Court Judge

                                    Mindy L Walker

                                    License:   #38423 

                                    Admitted:  2006

                                    Port Townsend, Jefferson County Washington

Case Number:    #200007018 Jefferson County Washington

                             District Court Port Townsend, WA 98368

Defendant:      Michael H. Allmain

Trial Date:         July 1st and 2nd 2021 

Verdict Date:     7-13-2021 and 8-12-2021

Complaint By:   Reverend Crystal Cox, 

                           Witness then Pastor for Defendant

I allege that Judge Mindy Walker committed Fraud on the Court, Fraud on the Taxpayers, and caused irreparable damage to Defendant Michal Allmain and to our Justice System, and that this ruling has set a precedent of Indigency Status that can harm others in the future. 

Judge Mindy Walker Ruled that Michael Allmain Was Guilty and did not have an affirmative defense of indigency. Judge Walker did this in the very courtroom she had earlier ruled Defendant Allmain to be indigent and appointed him a Public Defender, and in the same criminal case of which the charging officer stated in her Probable Cause that Michael did not have employment and few resources. Judge Walker says she has no record of Michael’s Employment, his Financial Status, his Bank Accounts or any financial ability information. I allege that she should have, as a matter of law, to have Ruled Defendant Michal Allmain Indigent and appointed him a Public Defender, PAID in full by Taxpayers. 

The Details and Timeline are as Follows.

I allege this is fraud on the court, fraud on the taxpayer, and violates ethics and public trust. If Defendant Michal Allmain was not indigent and Judge Walker had Zero evidence as she says in the transcript below, then I allege it was fraud to have appointed a Public Defender Paid by Public Tax Dollars. 

On the Day that Officer Wendy Davis picked up Michael Allmain’s Dog Moses “at large”, November 23rd 2020, the day that led to this Criminal Case, Office Wendy Davis put on the Record that the reason Michael’s dog Moses had issues was due to Michael Allmain being financially unable, in other words, indigent, and no ability to pay. She worded it like this  “Allmain and I discussed ways to provide veterinary care for Moses as Allmain is currently transient and unemployed and has limited resources.”

Click Below To Read Initial Case Report Narrative quoted above, November 23, 2020, above quote is on page ONE. 

On December 2nd, 2020 Officer Wendy Davis Filed her Probable Cause Statement for the Michael Allmain Criminal Case Number 200007018 City vs. Allmain, this Report stated the same thing, “Allmain and I discussed ways to provide veterinary care for Moses as Allmain is currently transient and unemployed and has limited resources.”

The Probable Cause Statement is Linked Below  

The above Case Report and Probable Cause Statement flat out state that the criminal charges against Defendant Allmain were initiated due to Allmain being transient, unemployed and having limited resources. This was a Clear Factor in the case, as per documented evidence from the very first evidence and statements of facts of this criminal case. 

However, if the above is not enough on it’s own to prove Michael Allmain had an Affirmative Defense of Indigency, and Economic Factors, we move on to Judge Mindy Walker Ruling Allmain Indigent on the Docket, the Court Record of this Case. 

On January 4th, 2021 Judge Mindy Walker Ruled Michael Allmain Indigent, as per 

Washington Statute: Determination of Indigency, RCW 10.101.020. 

“(1) A determination of indigency shall be made for all persons wishing the appointment of counsel in criminal... and any other case where the right to counsel attaches.”

“(3) The determination of indigency shall be made upon the defendant's initial contact with the court or at the earliest time circumstances permit. The court or its designee shall keep a written record of the determination of indigency”

This Court Ruling Of Indigency Granted to Defendant Michael Allmain and Signed by Judge Mindy Walker States:

“The Court Finds that the Defendant is Financially Unable”

“Defendant is entitled to a Lawyer in this Case Entirely at the Public’s Expense”.

Click Below to See the January 4th, 2021 Court Order RULING Michael H. Allmain Financially Unable Signed by Judge Mindy Walker.

In Jefferson County Washington Courts, the Application for Indigent Status to get a Public Attorney PAID for by the Taxpayers you would need the following, per the link at the end of the list below:


“EMPLOYMENT- Bring pay stubs for wages received for the past 2 months. SELF-EMPLOYMENT, Bring a current profit/loss statement, statement of net worth or quarterly income statement, or a signed copy of most recent federal income tax return or proof of non-filing status.

•UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION-Bring computer printout showing total benefits available and amount received each month, or statements showing you are not eligible for benefits. •PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, SOCIAL SECURITY, OR VETERAN’S BENEFITS-Bring letter and/or copy of last check received, or 3 most recent bank statements showing direct deposit. •INTEREST INCOME, INHERITANCE, OR SETTLEMENTS-Documentation showing income.  •ASSETS- Documentation of any personal items of value (including property). •NO PROOF OF INCOME-Bring a notarized letter from the person supporting you or someone who can verify how you are supporting yourself.”

The Application is Linked Below 

Therefore, in order for Judge Mindy Walker to make a RULING that Defendant Michael H. Allmain was Indigent she would have had to see the above documentation. Yet in ruling Defendant Allmain Guilty because he had not proven indigency and therefore is not afforded the Available Affirmative Defense, I Allege this Was Fraud on the Court and Defrauded the Jefferson County Taxpayers Paying for Michael Allmain’s Public Attorney BECAUSE she RULED Allmain Indigent, as a matter of Law, on January 4th, 2021. 

I allege this fraud on the court caused irreparable harm to Defendant Michael Allmain. 

ON March 26th, 2021 at a hearing regarding the Return of Animal (Evidence Michael Almain’s Dog Moses) Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Put on the Court Record that Michael Allmain is Indigent,  3-26-2021at Timestamp 2:06:27, Julie St. Marie Said “We Understand Michael is Indigent, that is Why He has a Public Attorney”

Yet Judge Mindy Walker Stated in her Guilty Ruling that she had no Evidence that Michael Allmain was Indigent, as seen below in the Verdict Hearing Video Transcript. 

Here is a Link to the Video Transcript of Timestamp Evidence Above: 

Below are Details of the VERDICT of Guilty by Judge Mindy Walker and that the Affirmative Defense of Indigency, Economic Factors, does not apply to this defendant, this case. The Follow Court Session is on July 13th, 2021 

Timestamp: 7-13-2021, 1:49:59

Judge Mindy Walker Says, “What We do not have for Mr. Allmain is we have zero information on his finances, his bank accounts, his social benefits. I do not know if Mr Allmain receives food stamps or any other social benefits that would be an indication of indigency. I do not know if Mr. Allmain is Employed or Unemployed.  I do not know if he was looking for housing at that time, I do not know if he could not find housing based on income.”

Here is the Video Transcript for the Timestamp 7-13-2021, 1:49:59, as Quoted Above  

Second Time Stamp: 7-13-2021.  1:51:48

Judge Mindy Walker Says:

“I am not finding that the defense has met the burden of proof for that affirmative defense based on the information I was provided. Again I had no information on finances, bank accounts, social benefits, whether Mr. Allmain was employed or unemployed, and so I am not finding that this applies in this particular case.”

Click Below to Watch Video Transcript at Timestamp 7-13-2021.  1:51:48 

Will this Ruling Be Appealed?  It most likely will, however the damage cannot be undone, as the mental anguish and suffering of the Defendant (Victim) Michael Allmain is irreparable. Also this ruling enabled the Evidence in this case Michael Allmain’s Property, his emotional support Dog Moses to be SOLD and is gone forever and with this also allowed for his dog to be neutered, and thereby cause irreparable damage. So an appeal will not change the damage done to the victim in these allegations. Also, an appeal will only cost taxpayers more money as Defendant Michael Allmain was ruled indigent to receive a public attorney and that will / would apply for the public defender providing legal services for the appeal, paid for by taxpayers of Jefferson County. 

I allege it is Fraud to have a court appointed attorney because a Defendant has been found INDIGENT but then to be Ruled GUILITY because that same Defendant in that same court, with that same Judge, is said to have provided ZERO evidence of indigency by that Judge. 

I am Alleging that Judge Mindy Walker knowingly and deliberately, with malice, defrauded the court. 

I am Alleging that Judge Mindy Walker discriminated against Defendant Michael Allmain in Jefferson County Washington Criminal Case Number: 200007018 

I Swear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge. 

/s/ Reverend Crystal Cox, November 11th, 2021 

Universal Church of Light

PO Box 2087

Port Townsend, WA 98368

Mindy L Walker is legal professional licensed with Washington State Bar Association (WSBA). The license number is #38423. The admit date is November 16, 2006.


on the Knowledge and Belief of Reverend Crystal Cox
Universal Church of Light
Port Townsend, Washington